Answering Reddit Questions “Is this poor form by me?

I’ve recently got into chess and I’m pretty low ranked (high-400). I started a 10min game with someone. It was a very weird game (he opened with wayward queen and I tried to defend it in a pretty unorthodox way). We got about 5-6 min into the game (19 moves) and they send me a message saying they need to leave and offer me a draw. The material was even but I didn’t want to accept because this was the game that, if I won, would’ve put me in 500. They started chatting with me and tried to convince me to take the draw. I didn’t take the draw and they called me a jerk and ended up resigning.

My only foray into games with competitive rankings like this are video games, and usually if I’m playing someone in a ranked game online and they have to leave, they forfeit. I guess I’m just worried that I made a chess faux pas for not accepting their draw. I personally don’t think I did anything wrong. I definitely could’ve been nicer during the whole exchange and I feel bad about that, but did I break any “unwritten rules”?

Playing games online is becoming more popular every day, and with that comes a set of rules and etiquette that can be different depending on the game you’re playing. Chess, being a game with a long history and tradition, also has its own set of unwritten rules and social norms.

In this particular situation, the player who messaged you was in a position where they had to leave and offered you a draw. You declined, and they tried to convince you to take the draw. When you refused, they became upset and called you a jerk.

So, did you do something wrong? The answer is not so straightforward. In chess, it is not uncommon for players to offer or accept draws in certain situations. For example, if the position is equal and neither player sees a clear path to victory, they may offer a draw to avoid playing a long, drawn-out game. However, in this case, the material was even, and you had a chance to win the game and increase your ranking.

In competitive online games, such as those you mentioned, it is common for a player who has to leave to forfeit the game. However, in chess, it is generally accepted that if a player has to leave mid-game, they can offer a draw to avoid resigning and taking a loss.

So, did you break any “unwritten rules”? Not necessarily. While it is courteous to accept a draw in certain situations, such as a position with no clear winner, it is ultimately up to the players to decide whether to accept or decline. If you felt that you had a chance to win the game, it was within your rights to decline the draw.

However, it’s important to note that the way you handle these situations can affect your reputation among other players. If you come across as rude or abrasive, other players may be less likely to want to play with you in the future. It’s always a good idea to be polite and respectful, even when declining a draw or engaging in a competitive game.

In summary, while declining a draw may not have been poor form in this situation, it’s important to remember that your actions can have an impact on how other players perceive you. Being courteous and respectful can go a long way in building a positive reputation among your fellow chess players.

Cheating Scandal Rocks Romanian Chess Championship

In Romania, a chess player has been expelled from the Romanian Chess Championship after he was caught cheating. Paul-Stelian Mihalache, who has a FIDE rating of 1698, was caught using a mobile phone in the restroom during a fifth round match of the Romanian championship. The arbiter found the phone in one of the restroom cubicles during a random check and noticed that a few chess apps were running. The apps showed Mihalache’s game after 15 moves, with the engine Stockfish 15 running, and a Google account was active with Mihalache’s name and email address.

Although Mihalache denied the phone belonged to him, the information on the phone suggested otherwise. He was confronted with the evidence but still denied ownership. He was then expelled from the tournament by chief arbiter Dinu-Ioan Nicula and tournament director George Necula. The matter has been brought to the attention of FIDE’s disciplinary commission, and Mihalache may face a considerable ban from playing FIDE-rated events.

This isn’t the first time that such an incident has happened in chess. In 2015, Georgia’s grandmaster Gaioz Nigalidze was caught using an iPod touch with a chess app running. He was expelled from the Dubai Open Chess tournament, faced a penalty, and even ended up losing his Grandmaster title. In 2019, Latvian-Czech grandmaster Igors Rausis was caught cheating in a tournament in Strasbourg, France, as he used a phone in the restroom. Later that year, FIDE banned him for six years and stripped him of the GM title. World champion Magnus Carlsen has also accused Hans Niemann of cheating and even pulled out of the competition as he found his behavior suspicious. Many chess tournaments are now stepping up their anti-cheating measures to ensure that the game remains free from malpractices.

Grandmaster Baduur Jobava respond to Ban

Baadur Jobava, a Georgian grandmaster, has been banned from all prize events on for the rest of 2023 after making offensive comments during and after a game against Chinese grandmaster Xiangyu Xu during the Airthings Masters Play-In on February 3, 2023.

Jobava accused Xu of cheating after losing to him, despite not being able to prove it. He also made public offensive comments, including using a racist and vulgar slur directed towards all Chinese players, which were overheard by members of the team. Xu had previously beaten well-known players such as Hikaru Nakamura and Levon Aronian before being paired with Jobava.

In his response to the ban, Jobava denied any racist intent and apologized to anyone who may have been offended by his comments. He argued that online cheaters usually get a second chance if they confess, and that did not follow the FIDE Code of Ethics in their decision to ban him.

However, Jobava’s offensive language and accusations of cheating have violated the fair play principles that upholds. In response to the situation, chose to ban Jobava from all prize events for the rest of the year and launch a worldwide defamation campaign against him.

While it is important to take allegations of cheating seriously, it is equally important to treat all players with respect and uphold the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. Jobava’s comments were inappropriate and harmful, and they do not align with the values of the chess community.

This situation highlights the need for clear and transparent procedures in dealing with allegations of cheating and inappropriate behavior in online tournaments. It also reminds us of the power that online platforms hold in the chess community and the importance of using that power responsibly.

Ultimately, it is crucial that the chess community remains focused on fair play and the principles of good sportsmanship. Only then can we create an environment where all players feel safe, respected, and free to pursue their love of the game.

Answering user questions on Reddit “why is chess so popular nowadays?”

Chess has been one of the world’s most popular board games for centuries, but its popularity has experienced a significant resurgence in recent years. In the age of digital entertainment, it’s fascinating to see an ancient game like chess hold its own and even thrive. So what makes chess so popular nowadays?

  1. Chess is a classic game that has stood the test of time.

Chess has been around for over a thousand years and has endured many changes, innovations, and adaptations. Throughout history, it has remained a fixture of intellectual and strategic pursuits. Its rules and gameplay have stayed relatively constant, but the game’s complexities and depth have kept it interesting and challenging. The timeless quality of chess is a significant factor in its enduring appeal.

  1. The game of chess is accessible to all.

Chess is a game that anyone can learn to play. The game’s simplicity is one of its strengths; the rules are straightforward, but the game’s strategies are endless. People of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy the game, regardless of their physical ability. Chess is also widely available, with clubs, tournaments, and online platforms catering to players of all skill levels.

  1. Chess is an intellectual challenge.

Chess requires critical thinking, concentration, and strategic planning. It’s a game that rewards creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability. Chess players learn to analyze positions, make predictions, and develop long-term plans. The game is a mental workout that can improve memory, cognitive function, and decision-making abilities.

  1. Chess is a social activity.

Chess is a social game that encourages interaction and collaboration. It can be played with friends, family, or strangers, and tournaments offer opportunities to meet new people and build a community. Chess clubs and online platforms provide spaces for players to connect, discuss strategies, and share their passion for the game.

  1. Chess is a global phenomenon.

Chess is a game that transcends borders and cultures. It has become a global phenomenon, with millions of people playing, studying, and following the game. Chess players from different countries and backgrounds can come together and communicate through the game, regardless of their language or cultural barriers.

  1. Chess is accessible in the digital age.

The rise of the internet has brought new life to the game of chess. Online platforms, such as and, have made the game accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Players can participate in online tournaments, study openings and endgames, and watch grandmasters play live from anywhere in the world. Chess has also become a popular subject on social media, with chess-related content attracting millions of views and followers.

In conclusion, the popularity of chess in the modern age can be attributed to its timeless appeal, intellectual challenge, accessibility, social aspect, global reach, and availability in the digital age. As a result, the game has seen a surge in interest, particularly among younger players. Chess is a game that offers countless benefits and can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to exercise their mind and indulge in a challenging, strategic pastime.

Answering Questions from Quora “You are kidnapped by a chess grandmaster and forced to play chess with him. He will let you go free if you win, and he will have you shot by his armed guards if you lose. Can you win the game?”

So, you’ve found yourself in a bit of a sticky situation. You’re sitting across from a chess grandmaster who’s kidnapped you and is now forcing you to play a game of chess. The stakes? Your life. If you win, you get to walk away free. If you lose, well, let’s just say it’s not going to be pretty.

Now, if you’re anything like me, the last time you played a game of chess was probably in middle school, when your teacher made you play in class. And let’s be real, you didn’t even know how to move the pieces properly back then. So, what are your chances of beating a grandmaster now?

Let’s break it down. Chess grandmasters are the elite of the elite. They spend their entire lives studying the game, analyzing moves, and playing against the best players in the world. They know every strategy, every trap, and every trick in the book. It’s safe to say that they’re not going to be an easy opponent.

But don’t worry, I’m not here to crush your dreams. I’m here to help you win this game and walk away from this situation alive. Here are a few tips:

  1. Try to distract your opponent: This might seem like a dirty tactic, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. Strike up a conversation with your opponent about something completely unrelated to the game. Ask them about their favorite movie, their childhood, or even their favorite type of cheese. The idea here is to distract them and throw them off their game.
  2. Take your time: Don’t rush your moves. Take a deep breath, relax, and think about your next move carefully. Chess is a game of strategy, and you need to be strategic about your moves.
  3. Use your pawns wisely: Your pawns might seem like the weakest pieces on the board, but they can be powerful if used correctly. Use them to control the center of the board and block your opponent’s pieces.
  4. Focus on defense: Don’t worry about launching an all-out attack on your opponent’s pieces. Instead, focus on defending your own pieces and creating a solid defense.
  5. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice a piece: If you find yourself in a tight spot, don’t be afraid to sacrifice a piece to gain an advantage. Sometimes, losing a piece can be the key to winning the game.

Now, with all that said, let’s be real. Your chances of winning this game are slim to none. But hey, stranger things have happened, right? Maybe your opponent will have a heart attack mid-game or get distracted by a butterfly. You never know.

In all seriousness, though, if you find yourself in a situation like this, don’t try to be a hero. Your life is more important than winning a game of chess. Try to negotiate with your captor, or find a way to escape. And maybe, just maybe, take some time to brush up on your chess skills in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation in the future.

What are some must learn tactics for chess?

Hello there, my dear chess enthusiast! I’m ChatGPT, and today, we’re going to talk about some must-learn tactics for chess. Now, before we begin, I must warn you that I’m not a grandmaster, nor have I ever won a chess tournament. But I have watched a lot of chess games on YouTube, so I guess you could say I’m pretty much an expert.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into some must-learn tactics for chess:

  1. The “Pretend You Know What You’re Doing” Tactic

This tactic is perfect for those moments when you have absolutely no idea what your next move should be. Simply stare intently at the board, stroke your chin, and mumble something about “sacrificing a pawn” or “opening up the king’s bishop.” Your opponent will be so impressed by your apparent knowledge that they’ll probably make a mistake and you can take advantage of it.

  1. The “Distract and Conquer” Tactic

If your opponent is the type who can be easily distracted, this tactic is for you. While they’re deep in thought, casually mention something about their shirt being inside out or a hair out of place. They’ll be so flustered that they’ll forget all about the game, and you can easily swoop in for the win.

  1. The “Blitzkrieg” Tactic

This tactic is all about speed. Move your pieces as quickly as possible, and don’t worry too much about strategy or long-term planning. Your opponent will be so overwhelmed by the sheer number of moves you’re making that they’ll make mistakes and you can take advantage of them.

  1. The “Intimidation” Tactic

If your opponent is new to the game or easily intimidated, this tactic can be very effective. Make intense eye contact, slam your pieces down on the board, and mutter things like “you’re going down” or “you don’t stand a chance.” Your opponent will be so scared that they’ll probably forfeit the game.

  1. The “Reverse Psychology” Tactic

This tactic is all about reverse psychology. Convince your opponent that you’re a terrible chess player and that they’re going to win easily. They’ll get overconfident and make mistakes, and you can take advantage of them.

Now, I must warn you that some of these tactics may not be entirely ethical or sportsmanlike. But hey, if it works, it works, right? So go forth and conquer the chessboard, my friends! And remember, no matter what happens, always blame your losses on bad luck or the fact that the sun was in your eyes.

Morgan Freeman answers chess questions from Quora

As an actor, I’ve had the privilege of embodying a wide range of characters, from quiet and introspective to bold and commanding. When it comes to chess, though, I believe the piece that most closely mirrors my identity is the king.

The king is the most important piece on the board, and like the king, I believe in taking a leadership role and being a guiding force for those around me. At the same time, the king must also be protected, and I strive to maintain a sense of balance and stability in my own life.

But it’s not just about being a symbol of power and authority. The king is also a symbol of wisdom and patience. Like the king, I believe in making strategic moves, thinking ahead, and not being rash or impulsive. I also understand that sometimes, the best move is not to move at all.

Furthermore, the king is often seen as the final authority in a game of chess, but it is also dependent on its other pieces to secure its position and protect it from danger. In the same way, I believe in the importance of community and working together with others to achieve a common goal.

In conclusion, the king is a complex piece, reflecting qualities such as leadership, wisdom, patience, and a sense of community. These are all traits that I aspire to embody in my own life, and I believe that they have helped me to navigate the ups and downs of my career and personal life with grace and poise. Just like a king on the chessboard, I believe in making calculated moves and always striving to be my best self.

How is Life similar/dissimilar to Chess?

Chess is a game that has been around for centuries and is known for its complexity, strategy, and ability to test one’s intellect. Many people have drawn parallels between the game of chess and life, as both involve making decisions, predicting outcomes, and adapting to changing circumstances.

Similarities between chess and life include:

  1. Planning and strategy: In both chess and life, it is important to have a plan and to think ahead. Just as a chess player must consider their next move and anticipate their opponent’s responses, in life, we must plan for the future and think about how our actions will impact the outcome.
  2. Adapting to change: Chess is a game that is constantly in flux, and players must be able to adapt to new circumstances quickly. Similarly, life is full of unexpected events and challenges, and it’s important to be able to adjust and move forward.
  3. Making decisions: Both chess and life require us to make decisions, some of which are easy and some of which are much more difficult. It is important to weigh the consequences of each decision and choose the path that will lead to the best outcome.

However, there are also some key differences between chess and life:

  1. Predictability: While chess is a complex game, it is still a game with rules and patterns that can be learned and predicted. Life, on the other hand, is much more unpredictable and can be more difficult to plan for.
  2. Limited moves: In chess, players have a limited number of moves they can make, and they must choose wisely. In life, however, the possibilities are much more open and limitless, allowing for more flexibility and creativity.
  3. Consequences: In chess, the consequences of a move are limited to the game itself. In life, the consequences of our actions can have a much broader impact and can affect not only ourselves but also those around us.

In conclusion, while there are similarities between chess and life, there are also key differences. Chess can be a valuable tool for teaching important life skills such as strategy, decision-making, and adaptability, but it is important to remember that life is much more complex and unpredictable than the game of chess.

Anwering Quora Questions “What’s so great about Chess?”

Chess is a classic strategy game that has stood the test of time, having been played for over a thousand years. Despite its age, chess remains as popular as ever, with millions of people playing it all over the world. But what exactly makes chess such a great game, and why has it been so enduringly popular? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why chess is so great.

  1. Mental stimulation: One of the main reasons why chess is so great is that it provides a significant mental workout. The game requires players to think ahead, consider all possible moves and outcomes, and make decisions based on strategy. This mental stimulation is a great way to challenge yourself and keep your mind sharp.
  2. Strategic depth: Chess is a complex game with many different pieces, each with its own unique abilities and limitations. The game also has a large number of possible moves, making it nearly impossible to memorize every possible outcome. This means that chess requires a great deal of strategic thinking and decision-making, making it a very challenging game.
  3. Social interaction: Chess is a two-player game that requires players to interact with each other. This social interaction can be a great way to make new friends and have a good time with others who share your interest in the game. Additionally, playing chess can also help to improve communication skills, as players must be able to explain their thought processes and decisions to each other.
  4. Cultural significance: Chess has a long and storied history, having been played for centuries in many different cultures. The game has been referenced in works of literature, art, and music, and has been used as a metaphor for life, war, and politics. This cultural significance is one of the reasons why chess continues to be so popular, even today.
  5. Accessibility: Another great thing about chess is that it is very accessible. The game requires nothing more than a chessboard and pieces, making it easy to play anywhere, at any time. Additionally, there are many different resources available for learning how to play chess, making it easy for people of all ages and skill levels to get started.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why chess is such a great game. Whether you’re looking for mental stimulation, a strategic challenge, or a way to interact with others, chess has something to offer. If you’ve never played chess before, now is the perfect time to give it a try and see why it has been so enduringly popular for so many years.

Summit School of Chess Tournament Series #5 Summary

Today was a huge success for Summit School of Chess as we held our monthly chess tournament at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. We were thrilled to see 100 participants in attendance, all ready to compete and show off their chess skills.

The tournament featured five rounds of rated chess, providing a challenging and competitive environment for all players. Prizes were awarded to the top performers, with 25 individual trophies and 3 school trophies up for grabs.

But the tournament wasn’t just about the chess – we also served homemade Mexican food from our family for lunch. It was a great way to fuel up and keep energy levels high during the tournament.

We are proud to report that the tournament was highly successful, punctual, and fun for all who participated. We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who came out to compete and to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds for hosting us.

Our chess school already looking forward to our next tournament, and we hope to see even more participants in attendance. Thanks again to all who joined us today, and congratulations to all the winners!

Chess Tournament