Hello everyone,
The Colorado Chess League, formally the Denver Chess League,
has been around for over 20 years. I was asked by Bruce Galler in 2013 to take over managing the league. While we saw strong numbers, they slowly began to decrease as time went on. In 2020 I turned control of the Colorado Chess League over to the CSCA. I did this with the belief that their nonprofit status and greater sphere of influence would increase the scholastic participation of the league across the state. Funny enough, when I was asked to take over the role of Vice President – the job of managing the league fell back into my lap.
I’m not going to sugarcoat things. This has been a trying
season for the league. Between the pandemic, reluctance from some to transition the league to an online format, and trying to educate parents on how to navigate chess.com; things became frustrating and confusing for many. This was a trial by fire season but the good news is that we learned a lot! One of the biggest things we learned was the importance of finding student leaders at schools to spearhead their chess clubs because, frankly, we don’t have enough parents/staff members stepping up.
All struggles aside – I want to say how proud I am of our board, this league, and the students/staff that stepped up to make the league
happen this year. We ended up with 14 teams that competed in a round-robin format and one playoff game to determine 3rd place.
I am personally putting a request out to all readers. If you, or someone you know, can help increase participation in the league for our 2022-2023 season (beginning Oct 2022) PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Thanks, J.
Here are your final standings for the 2021-2022 Colorado
Chess League:
1st Place – Cherry Creek High School
2nd Place – Chatfield High School Team A
3rd Place – Regis Jesuit High School
White to play.
Answer: Bxf7+!! Kxf7Â (if Kf8 Bd5 c6 Nxd4!! Bxd1 Ne6+!) Nxe5+
White has just played Bg5??
Black to Play
Answer: Bxf3!! Bxd8 (if Qxf3 Qxg5 0-1) Bxd1 0-1
White has just played g4 to launch a Kingside assault but has missed something.
Black to Move.
Answer: e5! Bishop moves e4! Winning a piece.
Black to play.
Answer: Qh4!! 0-1